We're excited to be sponsoring iqnite 2014 Australia, the conference for software quality and testing. The conference theme this year is Change, Acceleration, Convergence. iqnite 2014 Australia will be focusing on what is driving change in the software quality industry, and the implications for both individual software quality practitioners and organisations wanting to manage their ICT risk in a rapidly evolving market. The conference will feature international and local keynote presenters, including Caroline Carder, 2013 Australian Software Testing Individual Contribution award winner, and Mark Toomey, IT Governance specialist and 2012 ICT Professional of the Year.
As a valued client, we are able to provide you with a special discount offer for your iqnite ticket – save $360 off a two day standard conference pass, $100 off a one day pass. To receive this fantastic discount you must use the following promotional codes at time of booking.

Engage with Cigniti team through multiple avenues as listed below.
- Meet Cigniti team at Exhibition Center #10
- Listen to Sai Chintala, SVP Enterprise Solutions Group during his presentation on 17th October at 1PM
- Explore our latest thought paper titled "Are Your Apps iOS 8 Ready?" and grab a copy for yourself
- Enter into lucky draw for "Cool iPad Accessory" by filling up Mobile App Questionnaire
Reach out to Sairam Vedam, AVP Marketing who will be at the event at his cell +61 406 400 669 and sairam@cigniti.com