Top 5 Signs That Indicate It’s High Time You Adopt Mobile Test Automation

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Consumers demand more functionality, faster, better and cheaper ~ Michael Sowers, SQE.

Mobile applications have become so much a part of our daily lives that they have replaced PCs as the primary digital touch points. As mobile phones become multi-functional, mobile testing has become more complicated. And with shrinking time-to-market, testers face the pressure to test better and test quicker.

[Tweet “40% consumers will switch over to a competitor after a bad mobile experience”], which means you just cannot compromise on testing without losing your customers.

Mobile test automation can help you achieve faster and more efficient testing. Are you already on the mobile test automation bandwagon? If not, here are 5 signs that tell you it’s high time you adopt mobile test automation:

  1. You struggle to give adequate testing attention to each device and OS type – As a tester, you need to contend with testing of native apps that are device dependent, web apps that are browser dependent and hybrid apps that are a mix of both. Your testing also needs to take into account the wide proliferation of devices with varying screen sizes and OS with multiple versions floating in the market at any time.
  2. You wish to reduce your time-to-market – Expectations regarding quality of apps in mobile devices is higher than that for desktop but the time given for testing is far less. Also, the mobile market is highly competitive with companies frequently releasing new features to attract and retain customers.
  3. You find it challenging to adequately test across all possible networks and connection types – The performance of an app may be affected by bandwidth and network latency issues. How fast an app loads is also determined by the speed of the internet connection at the user end. Testing needs to be done for varying network conditions to ensure a good user experience. Apps and features that are too slow stand to get un-installed.
  4. You are unable to dedicate the resource, time and effort required for sufficient load, performance and security testing – It is very important to test performance under stressful conditions like excess network traffic, extended usage or low battery. Equally important is the need to perform sufficient security testing to ensure the applications are not vulnerable to malicious attacks. Load testing could take hours and security testing requires a tester to cover a lot of scenarios.
  5. You wish to reduce the testing cycle and rein in cost of testing – Manual testing takes up a lot of time and effort and does not aid early detection of defects. Regression testing needs to be repeated whenever updates are made or a new functionality is introduced. Automated testing can reduce testing time by over 90% compared to time taken to manually test the same.

If you can identify yourself with one or more of the above, then it is time you adopt mobile test automation.

Cigniti is an industry leader in mobile application testing. We have a dedicated mobile test center of excellence which ensures the highest quality of testing. Our mobile test automation framework contains reusable assets that enable regression test automation across a range of mobile OS.

Get an idea of our expertise through our webinar on “Mobile test automation, right before your eyes”


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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