Top 2 Benefits of Mobile App Testing in the Cloud

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A Cloud-based Mobile Device Lab can make it possible!

Mobile Apps are an integral part of our lives today. Around 9 billion apps have been downloaded in India in 2015, more than five times the number of apps downloaded in 2012 (1.56 billion) at a cumulative annual growth rate (CAGR) of 75 per cent.

[Tweet “9 billion apps have been downloaded in India in 2015, more than 5 times the number of apps downloaded in 2012 (1.56B) at a CAGR of 75%.”]

Mobile Application usage has increased multi-fold and there is an accelerating shift visible from e-commerce to m-commerce, with users engaging with their mobile shopping, news and personalised apps almost round the clock increasing global app usage by 131% compared to last year.

The mobile application ecosystem is very dynamic. OEMs are launching new devices and new customizations, and new OS versions are delivered every now and then, so it is of utmost importance that you update your application when something happens on these ecosystems. To meet the market and device compatibility, it is recommended to revisit and test your application against these devices over an ever expanding variety of screen sizes and resolutions.

Software failures in mobile applications can cost enterprises their reputation and also push their application down in the search order leading to loss of potential downloads and user base. It is very important to remember that only those 5-star ratings will keep the application in front of hundreds of millions of downloaders.

To have the best performing application both in terms of functionality and user interface, the application has to be tested on a large number of popular devices. This can lead to higher costs provided you will not be requiring these devices at all times. However since there will be updates on the applications now & then, you will have to perform continuous testing on the devices to ensure the application works as designed. By the time you are ready to test the application upgrades, there are newer popular devices that you need to consider and some of the older models are no more popular.

This means the devices that you have invested earlier have become obsolete and you need to consider buying newer, popular devices. This is the constant challenge that most enterprises are facing who intend to be among the top apps in the market and serve their customers without any issues.

Enterprises, thus, are essentially looking for a robust support to fulfil the following aims:

  • To test applications thoroughly on most popular devices
  • Keep the capex low & under control
  • Aim for an optimal opex model
  • Look for a solution that is flexible and available on-demand

In a nutshell, an enterprise wants to test its application thoroughly on a number of popular devices and want to do when they need it without investing into the devices.

A cloud-based mobile devices lab can be a potential solution that can offer enterprises a feasible & viable solution that they are wishing for.

Key points to keep in mind while considering a Mobile Device Lab:

  • The Device Matrix and Technology being used
  • Security challenges involved in transferring the data securely
  • Availability and type of Support and Training provided for software and devices

The typical benefits of using a Mobile Cloud Lab for enterprises are:

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Improving Quality

  1. Test application across a huge matrix of devices
  2. Freedom to manage the dedicated devices in your own secure Mobile Lab
  3. Provide fully dedicated devices secured separately from the shared device in the public cloud
  4. Automated-test with any automation external testing framework, that is, SeeTest Automation, Appium, Ranorex, eggPlant etc.

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Saving Time & Money

  1. Stop over-paying for procurement of devices
  2. No need to purchase new devices every time
  3. Reduce cost by using the pay as you use model
  4. Save your time and effort with an advanced device management UI
  5. No need to set up an environment from scratch


The rapidly expanding number of devices in the market demand more testing. More functionality available for every mobile application also demands more testing. A quicker development to deployment cycle means this added testing must be done in less time. A cloud-based mobile device lab offers the best solution. It saves money. It enables more thorough testing – all this while keeping your testing ops efficient.

Cigniti provides a world class Mobile Testing Lab. Reach out to one of our consultants at to discuss your needs and how we can help you achieve your goal of robust and thorough testing for your mobile application and suggest a model that is tailored for your needs.

For more value added services of Cigniti, visit


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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