How Testing for the Internet of Things can Boost your Business

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Connectivity, today, is no longer limited to hi-tech gadgets or computers, smartphones and tabs. It can extend to even the most mundane of devices you use in your everyday life. Sensors have made it possible today for any and every device to become part of the diaspora called the Internet of Things.

With greater connectivity comes the challenge of maintaining quality. Quality in this framework is all about collecting and reporting accurate data. With IoT seeing a massive growth spurt (Gartner predicts that by 2020, the world will have 26 billion devices or more), testing has to expand its horizons to take into account the various ways we are using this technology.

  1. Automation

Due to the diverse scenarios that need to be tested, the interoperability of devices and the fact that most IoT devices are mission critical in nature requiring high code coverage, automation becomes a necessity. With simulators, you can easily mimic the network of nodes inherent to IoT which cuts down the hardware costs.

  1. Usability testing

Usability testing is very important in IoT as displays and buttons/controls are generally small. Look for a minimalistic design which still meets the need of the user to quickly and comfortably operate the device in the intended manner. IoT apps have to adapt to a variety of devices and OS. It might be virtually impossible to test the app on every hardware/OS combinations. It makes more sense to get a prototype out and get real world usage data to decide which devices are mostly using the app and focus your testing on them.

  1. Performance testing

Performance mainly depends on the reliability of the internet connection at the user end. It is important to verify that data will be detected and stored correctly in the event of a sudden disruption in service. Performance under different conditions of usage need to be verified – what happens when network bandwidth is low or data is being saved and transmitted at a rapid pace or there are too many devices hooked to a network?

  1. Security Testing

Weak password rules, weak or missing data encryption make the IoT network susceptible to data breach attempts. You do not want people hacking into your home security system, or critical life support machines or listening to important financial data your smartphone is transmitting. In businesses that rely on IoT for their critical processes, a malicious attack can cause havoc. Sufficient security and penetration testing is an absolute necessity.

Get ready for IoT

Cisco estimates that IoT will have an economic impact of $19 Trillion by 202o. Can your enterprise afford to be left behind??

Cigniti Technologies is the world’s third largest independent testing organization and a thought leader in the Quality Assurance (QA) space. Our innovative testing methods and our passion for quality have always set us apart from other players in the testing services field. To know more on how Cigniti can help you with your testing, write to us at


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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