Experience an Upsurge in business with Digital Assurance and Software Testing

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Digital Transformation as a concept is bullying the enterprise and business scenario, pushing for more consumer interactions, building responsive applications, accelerating feedback mechanisms, and much more. This has imposed added challenges on enterprises to ensure that the right technology is adopted, leveraged effectively for attaining business objectives, and ultimately generate the expected RoI. Hence, tremendous focus is placed on Quality Assurance and Testing to not only deliver quality results, but also build a pattern that encourages Quality Transformation. In its most basic ways, this helps to deliver added business value and boost profitability as well for the business.

Digital Assurance and Software Testing weigh applications and software products in the light of the volatile consumer space that is affected by viruses, threats, malware, and much more. Testing is needed to not only make your business propositions stronger, but also predict what could go wrong in the real world and how it might impact you. With latest testing tools and automation, testers are able to accelerate the process, bring agility, and achieve maximum test coverage.

Reference to Integrated Risk Management (IRM), Gartner has stated that ‘Risk management continues to be an area of growing maturity and investment for most organizations, as the risk landscape becomes increasingly complex and interconnected. As a result, new technology solutions are emerging to increase the collaborative nature of risk management to support data-driven decision making, both within and external to an organization.’

The consumer-facing solutions today are mostly data-driven, and are prone to data breaches and violations. Cybersecurity is a growing concern and key strategy statement for big-medium-small enterprises, sprawling across diverse industries. Any unforeseen incident can not only result in data loss, but also substantial business and reputation loss. Robust Digital Assurance platforms can ensure this stability for businesses and bring profitability in the longer run.

Definitely, Digital Assurance and Testing can bring upsurge in business value, but how?

One of the biggest highlights of Digital Assurance and Testing is that they standardize ways in which an application gets tested and the testing cycle syncs up effectively with the development cycle. These are some key reasons why businesses are adopting Digital Assurance and Testing methodologies with focus on enhancing business value.

Working on the Cloud

The idea of leveraging Digital Assurance is to make your Digital Transformation efforts and products more scalable and up to speed with the needs of the consumer. Cloud-based implementation helps to bring scalability and accelerate the application building process. In many cases even Digital Labs are used to effectively conduct the application development process.

Digital Assurance is needed to enable enterprises to deliver the expected digital experience to the consumers. Cloud-based application building is needed to bring in the most intrinsic benefits of Cloud Computing for Digital Testing.

Cybersecurity concerns and threats

Cybersecurity and cyber threats is a growing concern for all types and sizes of enterprises. This implies that a whole lot of focus is placed on Security Testing, which becomes an integral aspect of the Digital Assurance and Testing strategy. Moreover, it helps to standardize processes and speed up the cybersecurity efforts for building robust applications. Approaches such as Shift-left push testing at the forefront, which enables to expose bugs or any discrepancies way ahead in the development cycle.

In general, Digital Assurance enables businesses to keep their Digital ecosystem clean and risk free. This builds stability and ensures profitability for businesses even in the longer run.

Test Automation, probably the strongest enabler for enterprises

Digital Testing and Digital Assurance is impossible without rigorous test automation, as it helps to bring down the efforts, and bring efficiency and speed to the testing process. Test Automation helps to accelerate the entire software development lifecycle and ensures quality in the process. Testing frameworks and suites are used in many possible ways, to ensure Security, Functionality, Performance, and Availability of the applications.

This helps businesses to launch their digital initiatives faster and with sheer confidence that these applications will perform flawlessly in the volatile marketplace. In a way, they are well-equipped to leverage SMAC technologies and bring down capital and operating expenditures. It also helps them to work on larger digital transformation projects.

Building applications that are more Customer-inclined

The ground rule of Digital Transformation is to build applications that are in line with the expectations of the customers and serve the ultimate purpose of building a user-friendly interface. Digital Assurance brings into effect processes and analytical findings that help to incorporate customer feedback and preferences within the development cycle.

Agile and DevOps enables teams to bring in more collaboration and inclusiveness amongst the development and testing functions. This helps to boost business agility, which is very much necessary for building customer-facing applications.

Making good use of Predictive Analytics

Implementing tools for Predictive Analytics is very much necessary to estimate how an application might be received by its users and what kind of challenges it might face in the consumer market where it will operate. It also provides application developers with tools and dashboards to track the application development process.

Moreover, Predictive Analytics tools are being leveraged to foresee any potential failure zones within the testing activities and even estimate its likelihood in the future. It further helps to optimize project data, which enables the team members to make proactive decisions. This saves time, efforts, and expenditure on dealing with flaws after the application gets released into the consumer market. It not only brings profitability, but also ensures stability for enterprises who depend on their business-critical applications for growth.

Cigniti’s Digital QA service helps organizations in their Digital initiatives. To successfully implement digital transformation, Cigniti has developed checklists, frameworks, processes, testlets, methodologies and best practices to ensure effective and efficient validations of text, images, and videos of applications across devices.

Connect with our experts to ensure that your business is effectively leveraging Digital Technologies for growth and profitability.


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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