Continuous Security Testing For Trusted Web And Mobile Applications

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The increasing complexity of Application Security is a growing concern in software industry. The day-to-day evolution of web and mobile applications attract users by offering end-to-end solutions, who get inclined to use applications from less trusted parties out of ignorance. Eventually these applications become potential sources that aggravate security threat to confidential sensitive data connected through web and mobile. This situation calls for a holistic approach to security covering multiple layers including network, host and application, to achieve hack-resilient Web/Mobile applications. But when hackers are leaving no stone unturned towards exploiting the vulnerabilities in the applications through advanced methods and techniques, continuous testing is the only way to keep application security ensured.

Continuous Testing and Application Security

Developers follow secure coding techniques to develop robust and hack-resilient solutions to secure network, host, and application configuration of servers where the application software is deployed. Also applications are protected by firewalls that screen out hackers, viruses, and worms that try to harm applications, still threats enter through malicious input entered into applications and adversely affect applications. In order to track attacks early that succeed in exploiting vulnerabilities in the system, applications require continuous testing. Continuous testing helps early detection of issues that helps in preventing possible harm to applications by resolving them early.

Web Application Security 

Web applications with security breaches such as attackers defacing web sites, stealing credit card numbers, and bombarding web sites with viruses represent some of the most significant threats that need continuous vigilance to keep track of hackers. Financial online applications are under continuous threat of cyber-criminals who keep trying to attack around the clock, where there is every chance of them disrupting access, and stealing data that may compromise website credentials to commit further fraud. Other than the new generation firewalls and traditional network security controls that are incapable of tracking malicious input, web applications need continuous security testing that helps to identify and stop the latest industrialized, multi-vector attacks, saving organizations getting exposed to costly and damaging breaches and downtime.

Mobile Application Security

In this era of smartphones, customers have become addicted to the comforts of using mobile applications for every service. To cash in on this addiction of customers, enterprises are seizing every opportunity by using mobile technologies to speed up business processes, increase productivity, and in turn create a better ROI. This overwhelming enthusiasm of industries and customers towards mobilizing business processes also involves security risks, as mobile users also use consumer apps and games from less trusted third parties on the same mobile where corporate apps are installed. Added is the situation where one cannot predict a user’s changing choices of evolving browsers, platforms, devices, and operating systems on a day-to-day basis. These unpredictable situations are vulnerable to security risks that can lead to serious data threat to enterprises. These situations need immediate and serious attention through continuous testing to identify and remove attacks successfully to safeguard employees, customers, and enterprise’s sensitive data.

Enterprises are leveraging the convergence of cloud, mobility, social computing, and web applications, which is accompanied with the growing concern for Security. This situation calls for a seamless security testing strategy from specialized software professionals.

Cigniti Technologies is a specialist testing services provider with multi-domain skills providing Quality at Speed testing services, and has been listed by Gartner, Forrester, and NelsonHall for proven testing techniques and strong methodologies. Visit for Cigniti’s expert Security Testing Services that assure your application functions smoothly building trust among your customers and clients.


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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