SAP Performance Testing – Breaking Down the Longer SAP GUI Response Times Prasad Paduchuru2023-09-15T16:23:00+05:30SAP offers one of the best ERP solutions for enterprise business-critical operations. The success of these business operations depends on the reliability of the SAP deployment. Though the SAP solutions are perhaps thoroughly tested, rigorous performance testing is needed to understand the operations behavior of SAP under heavy loads. [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail May 16, 2022 Read more...
Performance testing before go-live a worthwhile practice? Rajesh Sarangapani2022-02-03T21:34:55+05:30Is Performance testing before go-live a worthwhile practice? For every performance testing professional and purists out there that have been religiously practicing proactive performance testing before go-live, is this not a sacrosanct question? And we can expect that they would invariably react by letting us know of numerous examples in the [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail February 3, 2022 Read more...
4 key factors to consider in Performance Testing of E-commerce applications Cigniti Technologies2022-07-28T19:53:36+05:30The COVID-19 outbreak has altered the global consumer behavior all across the world. In-store purchase rates have steeped to the bottom while online shopping has become the primary choice of the shoppers. Given the upcoming holiday season, which also marks the biggest shopping event of the year, retailers cannot be prepared enough to deal with the [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail August 3, 2020 Read more...
What should be your strategies for Cloud Performance Testing Cigniti Technologies2023-10-04T08:38:11+05:30Cloud computing is changing how the end users deploy, monitor, and use applications. Cloud offers a virtually–infinite pool of computing, storage, and networking resources where applications can be scaled as desired. However, it is important to measure the performance of these applications in the cloud. Performance is the utmost factor in testing a [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail March 13, 2020 Read more...
Performance Testing in a public cloud environment Cigniti Technologies2020-03-06T12:28:41+05:30Cloud computing has taken up a new role in a short span of time – many technologists refer to it as the backbone of the IT industry. This revolutionary concept is capable of transforming ordinary software businesses into hugely successful ones. Flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness are the biggest benefits that [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail March 6, 2020 Read more...
How to get the most out of the holiday season? Make your site performance-ready Cigniti Technologies2019-09-26T18:51:02+05:30The holiday season, or shall we say the ‘shopping season’ is fast approaching. This year, the ecommerce sales in U.S. alone are expected to grow by 11.2% as compared to last year, amounting to a total estimate of $149 billion. As per McKinsey, US customers spent a record $850 billion in the weeks between last Thanksgiving [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail September 26, 2019 Read more...
How Is Application Performance Monitoring Shaping Insurtech? Cigniti Technologies2021-02-23T18:05:55+05:30Consumerism is at an all-time high, touching every industry, influencing decisions and strategic approaches of the businesses involved. Technology is increasing the service efficiency of businesses, while increasing the customer expectations at the same time. Today, the need for a seamless experience is a no brainer, for which businesses [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail July 1, 2019 Read more...
BEWARE! Software failures to watch out for in 2019 Cigniti Technologies2020-07-08T16:18:59+05:30The recent history or backdrop of software failures has been intriguing and thoroughly engaging for each one of us. Diverse industries and businesses across the globe have been witnessing an upheaval within their regular business functions due to these undesirable developments. Some of these disturbances have been due to [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail January 24, 2019 Read more...
‘What’ and ‘Why’ of moving from Performance Testing to Performance Engineering. Cigniti Technologies2022-08-01T16:38:06+05:30Global enterprises and brands have been working towards ensuring performance and functional excellence for their digital propositions. Implementing a robust Performance Testing strategy has been a conscious and strategic decision for all kinds of enterprises operating across diverse businesses. Today, validating and ensuring the speed, stability, and responsiveness of [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail October 1, 2018 Read more...
Top Software Performance Testing practices for your Digital Transformation strategies Cigniti Technologies2018-08-07T12:39:00+05:30As per the latest report from IDC on the global smartphone shipment for the second quarter of 2018, Chinese smartphone maker Huawei has surpassed Apple. Now, there could be multiple reasons supporting this shift in preferences. But the most important driver is customer experience resulting in alternate choices. Over the years, enterprises of all [...] FacebookTwitterLinkedInEmail August 2, 2018 Read more...