Here are a few Mobile App development trends that will shape 2019

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There is a world-wide shift in the way people use Internet: a swift movement from browsing desktops to smartphones. The obvious reason for this shift is that an increasingly large number of people are always on-the-move and have a busy schedule. It is to be acknowledged and accepted that the shift in Internet usage has not been gradual. It has been very rapid with the influx of smartphones in the market.

According to We are Social’s global digital report, surpassing all the predicted numbers, the figures indicate that smartphone users across the world has crossed 5.135 billion. This precipitous jump proves that mobile app development is not a sizzle that would fizzle, but is here to stay and grow by leaps and bounds. Reaffirming this global trend is the report from Statista, which says that mobile apps are estimated to make $188.9 billion in global revenue by the year 2020.

When statistics provide such positive numbers, it means that mobile app development is going to witness a bright and strong development trend in 2019. Analysts believe that there may be a huge surge either in the mobile apps currently being used by customers or the market is likely to witness developments in brand new mobile apps. Either way, 2019 will be the curtain-raiser to the mobile app revenue explosion predicted for 2020.

In addition, with the integrated chips powering smartphones and 5G networks beginning their trial phase across the world, 2019 is set to give mobile app developers more avenues to explore, especially in the field of app intricacies. So, what does this mean for CXOs of firms? How can they use these trends to their advantage?

To understand the market, it is important to know what app-trends are going to rule the roost in 2019.

  • Artificial Intelligence: Virtual assistants and chatbots are predicted to see a rapid increase. Siri’s success during recent times is a testimony to the fact that AI and machine learning apps have made a huge impact on users and they have been ingrained deeply into mobile app development. 2019 will see a sharp rise in AI and machine learning. CXOs need to adapt AI and machine language into their businesses, if they want to see their businesses grow and diversify. The more they understand the rapid rise in AI and machine language, the better they will be able to adopt and implement the best practices of the trend that’s here to stay.
  • Chatbots: Development of AI has helped integration of chatbots without the use of intricate coding, which are now becoming a trend in improving customer relations. Chatbots are communicating and helping mobile users, making itself indispensable. Statista reveals that the global Chatbot market is estimated to increase to US$ 1250 million by 2025, which is US$ 1000 million more than the figures in 2016. This growth indicates that chatbots are a vital part of digital reality.
  • Wearable Devices and IoT: Apple, as a firm, has pushed wearable devices and IoTs into the market with such ferocity that affordability constraint is no longer an issue. Mobile app developers are looking forward to developing newer and better smartwatches and other wearable devices. Watches, fitness bands, movement trackers, health trackers, diet and exercise wearable devices are areas where mobile companies see more promise in 2019. More and more companies are looking to diversify into the field. For example, Uber and Zomato are looking into investing in wearable apps that will help their business grow. Today, most users prefer flexibility and agility – and thus, also want all their tools to support mobility. Anything that helps keep up with their busy schedule is going to be in demand in 2019.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR): 2019 will see AR and VR trends influencing mobile strategies within mobile app development. AR and VR connected to smartphones are engaging users, as gaming apps become stronger. Market analysts predict that mobile app experiences in AR and VR may garner over US$ 200 billion in revenues by 2020. In such a scenario, AR and VR may just not limit to gaming apps but may extend to mapping apps and other utility apps as 2019 progresses. Thus, while currently mainly for gaming, AR and VR may see a strong presence in all arenas of app development. Companies must, therefore pay a closer attention to getting their AR and VR integrated apps tested end-to-end for quality, functionality, performance, and security.
  • Mobile Wallets: Users are already moving away from traditional modes of payment and switching to using frictionless payment methods using payment gateways. They are expecting their mobile apps to deliver these methods. The trends over the past few years suggest that people are moving from cash to credit to debit to mobile wallets and now culminating into digital currencies. With this trend, mobile commerce has become the way people shop. 2019 should see more companies creating apps that will integrate payment gateways and mobile wallets with strong security features.
  • Cloud Integration: Cloud integration and cloud computing have immense possibilities such as better storage, increased user retention, loading capacity, reducing costs when hosting, and streamlining operations. Using cloud technology to develop the mobile apps helps provide these advantages, and more. Businesses will understand that mobile-apps that use cloud integration will fare better in terms of user experience and cost-cutting.

Other areas where mobile-app development may see an intense rise are:

  • Instant Apps
  • Mobile App Security, following the Facebook, Google and Uber acknowledgement that security lapses have happened with user profiles
  • Beacons Technology, especially in airports, mobile payments and even automated personal beacons
  • On-Demand Apps


Companies need to invest in these latest technologies for improving their ROI. Investing in mobile app development will also create an image that your company is moving forward and imbibing the trends in the market within its fold. Companies that diversify to include the growing mobile app development trends in the market will be ready for newer and stronger developments in 2020.

Cigniti’s Mobile Testing CoE provides access to a wide range of testing services, tools, and mobile device lab. Cigniti’s Mobile Testing experts have a strong expertise in testing various mobile apps – native, web, and hybrid, and keep themselves abreast with the latest methodologies, mind maps, and checklists based on platform updates. Our fine-tuned mobile testing service capabilities are ably supported by BlueSwan, a proprietary test platform, and a Mobile Testing CoE.

Connect with us to build a relevant Application Testing strategy for your business.


  • Cigniti Technologies

    Cigniti is the world’s leading AI & IP-led Digital Assurance and Digital Engineering services company with offices in India, the USA, Canada, the UK, the UAE, Australia, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Singapore. We help companies accelerate their digital transformation journey across various stages of digital adoption and help them achieve market leadership.

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